Want to learn more on the basic features and functionalities of the platform as well as the technical aspects behind the development of the DEM@ENTORING platform? This event is fashioned to help primarily developers, technology experts, and any other interested party to get the hang of the software, learn about its basic features, the architecture of the system, basic modules, and other technological elements of the platform.

Join our technical event entitled “Technical Aspects of DEM@ENTORING e-Learning Platform” to know more about the technical elements and technological pillars of our platform, on Monday 31 May 2021 at 06:00pm CET.


Online (link to the meeting room to be provided after registration)


Registration is FREE and you can register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4Wq5U1Nx9SACBDqR8q4tfwwv4nABqRGiQxoC2KPyagnEt2g/viewform?usp=sf_link


Charalampos Vassiliou, Managing Director, INNOSYSTEM M.IKE., DEM@ENTORING Project Coordinator


Note on processing of personal data in the context of the event. By registering and logging on to this event, the participant agrees to the following:

  1. personally, identifiable information of participants may be heard, seen, read, collected, or used by INNOSYSTEMS as the organiser, the DEM@ENTORING project and by the other event participants;
  2. any communication or information transmitted during the event, such as voice, instant messages, or presentations are available to and may be recorded and further used by INNOSYSTEMS as the organizer and the DEM@ENTORING project;
  3. INNOSYSTEMS as the organizer and the DEM@ENTORING project may further use the information available on the event;
  4. organization such as the invitee lists, the attendee logs and the event subject matter information.

This event participants shall apply appropriate circumspection when directly disclosing their personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data on the occasion of the event, since this information may be collected and used by other participants.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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